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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Day 8: Recap

Today is Sunday and I just want to recap what we've talked about so far and reflect, also to give a little insight of what we are going into this coming week. We talked a lot abut choices this week and who we will become. Answering and asking questions, about what it means to choose the life we want and having it line up with the plan God has made for us. We also talked about people pleasing and how detrimental it can be to our lively-hood. This week we are going into self-love.
This is just a little recap video of the week and what we are going to talk about in the upcoming week. We are on the subject of self love. We are focusing on the scripture Mark:12:3, Love your neighbor as yourself. We are going to learn how to give ourselves some love this week and appreciate the person God made us to be.


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