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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Day 25: Living in the Future

Many of us are planners, especially those who tend to be more busy. We plan every second of everyday, we know when we are going somewhere, what time we should be there, who will be there and even what time we are leaving. As a performer I keep a schedule, I have to plan everything around rehearsals, and performances, and so on. But I always have to be open to plans changing because we never know what’s going to happen tomorrow or the next day, or next week.
I’m a person who sets goals, and have a pretty good idea of what I want my future to look like, I have dreams, and visions that I believe will come to past, I have no doubt. But sometime I am so focused on where I am going, i pay no attention to where I am. We talked about living in the past yesterday and how it can blur the present. Today we’re talking about how living in the future can also blur the present. There is no problem in having hope in the future and pressing towards our goals, but we cannot overlook where we are in favor of where we want to be. We must be content with our life as is.

Matthew 6:34

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

We can plan and plan and plan, but we never know exactly what is going to happen, we cannot plan every moment of our lives. We all want a bright future, but in order to get there we have to be present in the now, or before we know it a decade has passed by and we’ve missed it because we are so focused on tomorrow. We have to realize that at one point the past was the present and the present was the future. Time is very tricky and it stops for no one. Like the scripture says, don’t worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will handle itself, we have to worry about today, because right now it’s all we have. We have to take life a day at a time, and before we know it, we’ll reach those goals.
We have to learn to cross the bridge when we get to it, not before. God has a plan for us and we don’t always know what that looks like. But we have to know that each step we take is ordered by Him, and we can’t plan His moves we just follow, He know where our foot will land. We have to trust God today as He leads us into tomorrow. We’re great with putting our future in His hands but can we trust Him in the now. God is working right now, don’t be so focused on what He is going to do that you miss what He is doing now.


  1. Write down your goals, dreams, and ambitions.
  2. Trust God with them, trust His plan.

Prayer Time
Today we are going to keep it simple and sweet, talk to God about your dreams and ambitions, talk to Him about your future. If you're someone who lives in the future talk to God about what it means to be present to live in the now.

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