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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Day 135: Recap!

First off Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there.  Happy Mother's day to all the Mothers that read this blog.

Dear Moms,
Thank you for bringing us into this world and threatening to take us out from time to time. We love you, even though sometimes we get on your nerves, make you mad, and have even made you cry. Despite all of that we love you and thank you for all you do for us. We love you, mom!

Day 128: If It Had Not Been for the Lord

Today we talked about what we really mean when we say, "If it had not been for the Lord..." We focused on Psalms 94:16-19, 22, and Psalms 94:22.

"When we look back over our lives and when we see where we came from we will see that God has had His hand on us all along."

Day 129: God is Not a Feeling

Today we talked about feelings and how we sometimes let our feelings dictate our faith. We focused on Jeremiah 17:9, 1 John 3:20, and Romans 10:9.
"Sometimes when it comes to our faith we have to ignore our feelings and not allow them to dictate what we believe to be true about God."

Day 130: No Picking and Choosing

Today we talked about how we sometimes pick and choose which parts of the bible we will live by, and what we agree with when it does not work that way. It's all or nothing. We focused on James 2:10-11, 2 Peter 2:21, and James 4:17.
"We have this ‘good enough’ attitude, that we aren’t doing everything we should or could be doing but what we are doing is ‘good enough’."

Day 131: The Idea of God

Today we talked about how we can be in love with the idea of something or someone rather than the thing itself. We often do this to God. We focused on Matthew 6:21, 1 John 4:19, and Isaiah 40:28.
"We find comfort in knowing of God, but it’s just enough so we do not have to entertain the actuality of having a relationship with Him."

Day 132: A Dose of Humility

Today we talked about humility and how our generation could use a huge dose of it. We talked about the need to be selfless in this day and age. We focused on quite a few scriptures today, Proverbs 11:2, Matthew 23:11-12, Matthew 18:4, James 4:10, Philippians 2:3, and 2 Chronicles 7:14.

"Sometimes we are so focused on ourselves that we don’t really see what’s right in front of us, we don’t see the world because we are too consumed with self."

Day 133: The Golden Rule

Today we talked about respect and how we treat others in comparison to how we not only treat ourselves but expect to be treated by others. We focused on Matthew 6:31 today.

"We all have standards of what we will allow and what we won’t. We all have lines that we draw that people are not allowed to cross. We have a basic understanding of how we should be treated, about how we expect to be treated by our peers. What if we take all those standards, those lines that are not to be crossed, that basic understanding of how we are to be treated; what if we take that and apply to how we treat others? "

I love you, I hope you have an amazing Day and even better Mother's Day. Enjoy your day and/ or evening, be sure to go over what we talked about this week and come back tomorrow for Day 136!

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