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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Day 148: Misconceptions (Part 6)- Life Is Good/Life is Beautiful

John 8:12
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

When we follow Christ we never have to walk in darkness, not only that but we never have to walk alone. Jesus is literally the light of our lives, we live because He did. We can walk this earth blameless and fearless because He did.
He took away the darkness.
He took away the blame.
He took away the shame.
He took away the fear.

He has given us freedom, peace, love, joy, understanding, courage, love, joy... He has become the light of our world and made our lives so much better. It’s like He came and gave us a makeover. Jesus has provided us with a good life.

The best days I have are the ones when I just sit and enjoy the goodness of God. Meaning that no matter what is going on in my life, no matter what situation I am in, there is always a peace I find in God. I always know that I will be alright because I serve a mighty and awesome God. I have made the choice to always look on the bright side. I give my attention to the good things that are happening in my life, I focus on that and have found that my life is much better than I ever thought. I've learned to see and understand the beauty of life. It is so beautiful that sometimes it seems surreal and brings tears to my eyes.
I am a busybody, I cannot physically sit still, I love adventures. I have a wanderer's heart, for me, there is always something beautiful to place my eyes on. There’s always a green patch of grass in the midst of the desert. This is how I have chosen to view life because I believe it to be true. There is always something good about life. Just because we have bad days and periods of struggling does not mean we have a hard or bad life. I know many of us could fall into that category, I could definitely fall into that category, but why sit in darkness when God has given us light. Why live in fear when God has given us courage. Why sit in our mess and worry about things that we cannot change. Why worry if we are going to pray. Life will pass us by if we sit waiting for things to get better. Things will get better but if we cannot live and enjoy life while we’re in the valley, what will happen when we’re on the mountaintop. We might be in the valley but while we’re down there make the best of it, coming out doesn’t always have to be a story of sorrow. One thing that God has taught me is to enjoy life at every stage. Days are fleeting and passing by, time doesn’t stop, so let’s not waste it.  

I remember having a conversation with one of my best friends and he asked me, “Do you ever feel like you’re just existing?” my response was, “Every day of my life I feel that way.” At that point in my life, I was struggling to find a job and trying to figure out what next steps I wanted to take in my life. I wanted to get a job and make money so that I could live. I only felt alive when I was out in the world doing things when I was shopping or doing things that I felt like I should be doing. But that day I decided that I would not live that way, life is too good to waste. I’ve learned to live life to the fullest whether I have a pocket full of money or two cents in my pocket. My situation does not dictate my life, or who I am. It will be a milestone or a rock on my journey but it will not stop me from living and moving forward. God has given us this awesome journey called life and a gift called living, let’s not waste it waiting on something that we think is coming. Every day we have to get up and live, we are more than just a body with a heartbeat. Even if we have to push ourselves to get out of bed do it. Live, don’t let the days just go by and the next thing you know a whole year has passed and you have nothing to show for it. I truly believe that God has given us this life to truly live.

As this series comes to a close I want to end by bringing it all together. We have to live our lives to the fullest. I believe that God wants us to get as much out of this life as we possibly can. He wants us to have experienced, He wants us to enjoy living, He wants us to more than just exist. He wants us to love and fall in love. He wants us to follow our dreams. He wants us to paint these towns with His love, with our lives. He wants us to leave our mark on this world. He wants to live and enjoy it. That’s what it’s all about. Add some color to your journey.


We all have a journey to take and it all looks different for each of us. But if we were to paint our journey on a canvas, what would it look like? Would it be full of color or would it be black and white? Would it be full of decorations and personality? What would it look like?  

Prayer time

Talk to God about your life and what it looks like. Have a conversation with Him, whatever it is you want to say to Him, say it and mean it.

I love you! I hope you have an amazing day or evening. ENJOY YOUR DAY! HAVE FUN! Come back tomorrow for Day 149!

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