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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Day 146: Misconceptions (Part 4)- Have A Laugh

Ecclesiastes 3:4

“a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;”

Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart does good like medicine.

Someone, I’m not sure who, said that laughter is the best medicine and I must agree. There’s nothing quite like a good laugh. Laughter releases stress, improves your mood, boosts immunity and can even relieve pain. We laughed before we spoke. It is proven that laughter burns calories, laughing for 10-15 minutes burn 40 calories. Imagine what an hour of laughter can do for your summer body.πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ Also, it has been proven that couples who laugh together stay together, so find you someone who can make you laugh, laugh with you and pray; you’re destined for eternity! 😜😜Laughter can even cause pain at times, when you laugh so hard you get a cramp in your side or you can’t breathe. I know we’ve all  been there, but those are the best laughs. There’s no laugh like the ones where we can laugh at ourselves.

This week we have been talking about more lighthearted subjects and finding the good moments in our lives and capitalizing on those moments rather than the moments of sorrow in our lives. Laughter is one of those things. Sometimes the best moments are the ones where you just sit around with family and/or friends and just laugh. There is nothing like a good gut wrenching laugh. As the scripture states above, there is a time to laugh. There is always something to smile about especially when you’re around the people you love.

For me that is my family and friends, I come from a family of unemployed comedians, what I mean by that is we are all comedians, but none of us make a living from it. We make each other laugh and we laugh at one another. We all have our own struggles and we go through rough times but when we are all together just talking and laughing, for a moment all the stress and pain goes away. All the frustrations, everything, it goes away. We can even laugh away our pain at times. So much can be healed with laughter, and it’s something that we don’t realize often. If you’re ever full of tension just find something to laugh about and see how you feel after.  

I believe that laughter is a gift from God, and a beautiful gift at that. I truly believe that God has given us laughter for this specific reason. Sometimes we have to forget about all the stress in our lives and the tension and everything going on in our lives and just laugh about it. Sometimes things aren’t even worth our energy we just have to laugh about it. We can laugh at ourselves when we mess up. Sometimes it’s all we can do, all we can do is have a laugh.

God has given us an abundance of joy and I truly believe that we can find more moments of joy in our lives than sorrow. We just have to realize that their will always be room in our hearts for laughter.  We must have people around us that build us spiritually but also know how to laugh with us and enjoy life with us. Whenever I’m having a rough day or even getting angry my friends find a way to make me laugh, they find a way to make me smile even when I’m crying. There is healing in laughter.

Response/Prayer Time

Take the time to respond to what we talked about today. Whatever you feel led to pray about today take the time to pray. Today is pretty short and straightforward so just take the time to spend with God and have a laugh.

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