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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Day 128: Recap

What a week it has been, I am just finishing finals weeks and move out day, and I am on my way home, but here is the recap of the week.

Day 121: From Adam to Jesus
Today we talked about to connection between Adam and Jesus, and how Jesus is referred to as the second Adam. We focused on quite a few scriptures today: 1 Corinthians 15:45, Colossians 1:15, Philippians 2:8, 1 Peter 2:24, and Colossians 2:14.

"Jesus did what Adam could not do by carrying the sin of every man on His shoulders and taking it to the grave and being raised from the dead three days later. By doing so he defeated the power of sin and death, so we no longer have to live in sin. We are no longer connected to the sin of Adam."

Day 122: Don't Wear Yourself Out

Today we talked about taking care of ourselves, our physical bodies. Something that gets neglected often when it comes to our faith. We focused on Genesis 2:2-3, Mark 2:27, Exodus 34:21, John 4:3-6, and Mark 4:38.
"...All this to say, Know your limits. I know we all want to be limitless and superhuman, but our bodies can only take so much. Listen to your body when it’s telling you to stop or rest, most times it’s right."

Day 123: No One Compares

Today we dived into Psalms 89:6-7, and talked about what we really mean or believe when we say no one compares to God.
"If we know that there is nobody or nothing that compares to God. Why do we act like there are things that can compare to the goodness of God? What I mean by that is sometimes we use God as a last resort like He couldn’t give us what we needed had we gone to Him first."

Day 124: Let's Not Jump to Conclusions

Today we talked about how many times we jump to conclusions too quick. We focused on Genesis 12:10-20 and Proverbs 2:8.
"...We think we know how the story is going to end or what will happen because we got a small taste of something. when we really have no idea. "
Day 125: On the Detour

Today we explored the book of Jonah, and how even though Jonah tried to run from God, he encountered God in the midst of his running. We focused on Jonah 1-3:5.
"I think many of us know what it’s like to not only run from God but encounter Him in the midst of our running. We, like Jonah, often have to go through the hard times in order to learn."

Day 126: Carrying the Wrong Cargo

Today we continued with the story of Jonah, but we focused on the men on the ship. These men tried to save Jonah even though it was causing them all to suffer.
"Sometimes we try to play superhero to people not realizing we are getting in the way of God’s plan. God knew what He was doing, the only way for the storm to cease was for Jonah to be thrown overboard, which is why they never made it to shore."

I love you, I hope you have and amazing Sunday, enjoy your day, go back and read your favorite from this week, share it with someone, and come back tomorrow for Day 129!

For those of you graduating and preparing to graduate, CONGRATULATIONS! For those of you finishing up finals week, you made it, get some rest. For those of you preparing for finals week, I'm praying for you. You got this!

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