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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Day 350: Recap!

Day 344: Don't Lose Hope

Today we talked about holding on to hope. We talked about holding on to hope in a world that seems hopeless, and knowing that as long as we have Christ, it's not over! We focused on 2 Chronicles 15:7 and Isaiah 41:10.

"There’s so much going on in the world that will make us lose hope in many things, but don’t let what you see or what you’re going through at the present moment make you lose hope in the Father."

Day 345: Step Out of the Boat

Today had to be one my favorite days so far, we talked about how Peter just had the courage to step out of the boat. We talked about taking the first step and having enough faith just like Peter to step out of the boat. We talked about what it takes to get to our 'waking on water' moment. We focused on Matthew 14:28-29. 

"Too many of us are missing our “walking on water” moments because we are afraid to step out of the boat. We’re too focused on the fact that we might sink so in order to protect ourselves we stay in the boat where it’s safe."

Day 346: Live For Something That Matters

Today we talked about living for something bigger and better than ourselves. We talked about how we can sometimes be selfish with our gifts and our prayers but we talked about turning those prayers outward and expanding His kingdom. We focused on Mark 8:35.

"We pray for change but it never crosses our mind that God sent us to where we are because we are the change that we have been praying for."

Day 347: Fight For It

Today we talked about fighting for what we want and fighting for the things that we know are worth fighting for. We talked about how Jacob fought with angel for his blessing, even with a dislocated hip. We talked about how we should not let the pain stop us, but if it's worth it, we have to keep fighting and see the blessing that comes from it. We focused on Genesis 32:22-29.

"We have to hold on to the things we think are worth fighting for, even if it means we have to deal with the pain of holding on."

Day 348: What's Your Passion

Today we talked about our passions we talked about finding that one thing that we are so passionate about and the thing we know we are meant to do and be. We talked about how we often have this idea that being a Christian means we stop being who we are, meaning we have to give up the things we love and our personalities and even sometimes our culture. We focused on Philippians 1:6, Psalms 32:8, and Proverbs 16:3.

"God Himself can be telling us to take the path that leads us to our dreams but we are sometimes too concerned with thinking that because we aren’t doing it the religious way or because we aren’t doing it in a church we are sinning. God can use you wherever  and whenever."

Day 349: What Will You Do

Today we talked about what we will do and say in the face of adversity. We talked about how we will use our platforms, our voices, our lives to speak up when it comes to things like injustice, equality, peace, truth, etc. We talked about how all of these things starts with us, these changes that we want to see and implement starts with us. We cannot wait for someone else, we have to do it, whatever "it" may be. We focused on John 3:16, Matthew 5:14-16, Galatians 6:2, and Matthew 25:35-40.

"We often think that these are not our battles or our conversations. By overlooking the things that are causing the world so much pain how are we helping to heal. By looking over our brother or sister who is starving and struggling how are we doing God’s will?"

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to go back over your favorite post this week and share it with someone. Come back tomorrow for Day 351!

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