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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Day 354: That's Life : Series (Part 2)

Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Genesis 1"27

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Galatins 1:10
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

We are continuing our series today of debunking some of the "that's life" myths that we have been conditioned to believe our entire lives. There are societal role sand rules that many of us in this generation have been learning since we were young. We are often told what girls and boys cannot do, and how we are supposed to live our lives based on who we are, based on 'rules'. Meaning we are expected to act a certain way if we are male or female, we are expected to act a certain way by what race we are, what our social standing is. These things have caused division in the world for as long as I can remember, and it has caused so many people to live a life based on societal rules instead of God's word. 

Growing up I was very much what many would call a tomboy. I love sports, I love playing sports, you would finds me playing basketball with the boys, or outside with my dad as he worked on his car as opposed to doing the things that was expected of a girl. I grew up with the title tomboy, and it never bothered me. I was told I was going to grow up to be gay because I wanted to play basketball and football and not be a cheerleader. This is the world I grew up in, the boys weren't allowed to be dancers or cheerleaders or anything close to what seemed to be feminine. Due to this I grew up with he idea that I would never be woman enough for this world, I don't fit into the societal idea of a woman, because I would rather where slacks than a dress. I despised the idea that a boy who loved ballet would be berated and insulted with offensive terms, that if you are gay or not should never have to hear. For many of us, this is the world we grew up in. We grew up in a world that told us that inner city kids are the bad kids, but if you were from the suburbs you were good. We grew up in a society that expects blacks, latinos, and hispanics to be criminals. They expect anyone of asian decent to be smart. You are smart and successful if you are white. These are not truths they are stereotype, this is what we have been told for generations, and there are so many more where that came from. What has happened is society has put us in boxes and tried to make it so that we cannot move outside of the area we are supposed to be in. Boys have been taught not to cry or show emotion they have to be tough because if they do they are weak. Now we have bruised and angry men walking around because of all the pent up anger. Our girls have been taught that they have a place in the world but it is not beyond being a housewife. That they must look pretty all the time, and know that they are the weaker sex. We have been taught these things and we are living in a world that bounds us to gender norms and societal rules based on things like finances and social standing. But when I read my bible I see something different, when I read my bible I see that God made us all equal. We are all one body, our money or social standing, or our talents do not make us any better or less than anyone else. Life is living the life Christ has given us no matter what anyone has to say about it. Life is taking a chance and stepping outside the box because God has called you to place that you are traditionally not supposed to go. Life is obeying the word of God and living by it, not obeying the rules set up by man. That's life, doing right by the word of God, and that means going against the stereotypes and societal rules that we have been conditioned to believe is true. God made us, man and woman in His own image, not a stereotype. 

I guess my question is, can we break these rules and stereotype that are not implanted in the word of God and focus on what God is actually telling us to do? I know we have grown up in this world that is so broken and divided but can we be the generation to mend it? Can we tear down the walls of division that causes so much strife between the people of God? We have each been given a life, and if we are too concerned with what the world is telling us to do, we will never get to what God is telling us to do. We cannot be preoccupied with living for man, God gave us this life, no one else. We must get to a point when we are more concerned with what God wants us to do and how He wants us to live than the rules that have been put in place by religion and society. What I'm saying here is that this is your life, and you do not have to live it like anyone else. If God gave you the gift to do something whether you are male or female do it. It doesn't matter what society says, God gave you a gift and you use it to glorify Him and Him alone. That is what living for Christ looks like. We are made in His image, don't let anyone try to take that away. 

All this to say, there is a life outside the boxes we are often placed in. There is so much more to life than living for other people. Living with Christ is so much better and living for Christ means living free. Break the stereotypes, live beyond what society expects. We talked a lot about society today, because the traditions we have grown up with have impacted this generation is a huge way and it is mot always good. God never intended for us to act as if anyone is lower than us or that we are lower than anyone.He made us all in His image and we are all one body. 

Response/Prayer Time

Take the time to think about what we discussed today. Whatever you feel led to pray about today, pray about it. Pray that the world will come together as one. Pray for the division that is taking over our nations. 

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 355!

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