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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Day 345: Step Out of the Boat (Take Your Shot)

Matthew 14:28-29
Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.

Today I want to talk about the simple fact that Peter got out of the boat. This is a well known story, one of the more famous passages in the bible, we all know that Jesus and Peter walked on water. People who aren’t Christian know this. A lot of time when we read this story we talk about how Peter took his eyes off Jesus and started to sink. Overlooking the fact that, Peter got out of the boat! He stepped out of a boat on to the water and walked. How many of us can say that we have done that, not in a literal sense, but we ask God for something and when it comes we get scared because we have to step out of our comfort zone a bit. We have to take a step off of our safety net and walk towards Jesus.  Sometimes even when Jesus is calling us out of the boat we are reluctant to step out. If Peter never stepped out of the boat he would have never walked on water. Too many of us are missing our “walking on water” moments because we are afraid to step out of the boat. We’re too focused on the fact that we might sink so in order to protect ourselves we stay in the boat where it’s safe. People can talk about how Peter took His eyes off Jesus and was afraid that’s when He began to sink. but at least he got out of the boat, whether he sank or not, he stepped out of the boat, and Jesus was there to pick him up. At least he took a chance. Even if he did sink, it would have never happened if he stayed on the boat. We can grow in our moments of sinking as well. He saw the opportunity and took it, some of us can have an opportunity staring us right in the face but the fear of failure is stopping of from attempting to succeed. Peter wanted to walk on water so he had to step out of the boat and walk, that was the only way he could do it. There was no other way. If we want to walk on water, the only way to do it is to step out off the boat. Sitting there wishing isn’t going to get us anywhere. Why do we sit there hoping and wishing for something to come to us when it’s right there, all we have to do is walk towards it.

We are too focused on the fact that Peter sank. We allow that to blind us to the real miracle here, Peter walked on water. He walked! On water! I don’t know if you’ve ever tried this but I have and I sank the first step I took, but this man walked on water because when Jesus told Him to come he stepped out of the boat and did it. Sometimes we will not know what it’s like to rise if we are never in a position of sinking.

Sometimes the people we have to prove wrong when it comes to what we can do, is ourselves. We often put limitations on ourselves. As my semester is coming to an end we are doing a lot of reflections and talking about our growth. I have come to the conclusion that the only reason I cannot do things is because I never give myself the chance to do it. I took a ballet class this semester and  was very reluctant to do it but a friend of mine talked me into doing it. I was reluctant to taking the ballet class because I was scared, I never liked ballet because I was never good at it. But I decided to step out of my comfort zone and give myself a chance, and see what happens. The things we can do when we just give ourselves a chance can be miraculous. When we take the limits off of ourselves and trust in the gifts God has given us, and just trust in the person God made us to be we will end up surprising ourselves. Even if we do fall, even if we do sink, we will be okay.

All this to say, give yourself a chance. Take a shot, step out of the boat, don’t worry about sinking, just walk. If you sink Jesus is right there to pick you up.


Take the time to go over and think about what we discussed today. Think about how you have been limiting yourself and make a decision not to do that. Whatever is going on in your life and you are stuck or afraid, step out of the boat.

Prayer Time

Take the time to pray about what we discussed today. Take the time to talk to God about getting out of the boat and take a step of faith tonight.

I love you so much and I hope you have an amazing day! Make sure you share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 346!

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