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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Friday, December 15, 2017

Day 348: What is Your Passion

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus

Psalms 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you

Proverbs 16:3
Commit you work to the Lord , and your plans will be established. 

One of the biggest misconceptions in Christianity is that when we accept Christ into our lives we  completely give up who we are, our personalities, our passions our dreams, in order to serve God. We think we have to turn into these bible reading, church going, scripture memorizing robots, but we don’t. Instead we surrender, we surrender our lives to Him and we give up a life that we thought was good and accept a life that is great because of Him. I’d like to point out that God have us those gifts and dreams and the personalities. He made us who we are for a reason. We can’t just neglect that. 
Today I want to talk about how we are often very passionate about something but instead of going for it we hesitate because we want to make sure that it’s right for us. Overlooking the fact that God created us for this specific purpose, whatever it may be for you. 

We all have something that we love so much, a gift that we cannot help but use. We have that one thing that we want to do. The one thing we know we were made for. Why do we hesitate when it comes to going after it? God gave us the gifts we have. He put those desires and passions in our hearts. We aren’t all going to be pastors and worship leaders. Instead we are supposed to use the gifts we have been given to expand His kingdom. We are to do what we were put on this earth to do. Whatever it may be. If everyone was meant to lead a church no one would have a church to grow or go to. We are the church the church is in us, we have to stop looking at it as a building. If everyone was me at to be pastors who would we have to use the gift of science and medicine to heal and protect us. Who would govern our countries and nations? If we all tried to do the same thing life would be pretty boring and we would all go crazy. 

The question I want to ask you today is, what are you passionate about? What is the one thing you know you were made for.  It’s not usually something we have to find because it’s already in us. We are born with it. So what is it? What is the one thing you cannot live without doing? The thing that you don’t always want to do but you need to do, because you know that if you don’t do it you are wasting not only the gift God has given you but you are wasting your life by trying to do something else. 

When we submit ourselves to Christ we do not lose who we are in fact, it is the opposite, we find ourselves. We are more secure with who we are. We become less hesitant and more sure. Don’t let people scare you with their religion and rules. If you have a solid relationship with God and you know that your life lines up with Him completely and you are obeying His commands you are good. You are a gift and you have a gift. Use it. Too many Christians are stagnate because they think following their dreams is a sin. Sometimes it can be a sin not to follow our dreams. Many times God Himself has given us the desires and the dreams we have because He knows where He wants us and the path that He has for us. God Himself can be telling us to take the path that leads us to our dreams but we are sometimes too concerned with thinking that because we aren’t doing it the religious way or because we aren’t doing it in a church we are sinning. God can use you wherever  and whenever. He will use what He’s given you for His glory. Don’t underestimate how God can work and where He can work. 

What are you passionate about? 
What is the one thing you know you were made to do. 
What is stopping you from following your dreams?

Prayer Time:
Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer. Have a conversation with God about you dreams and passions. Make sure that everything you are, everything you want lines up with who He is. 

I love you and I hope you have an amazing Day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 349!

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