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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Day 280: Recap!

Day 274: The One He Left the 99 to Find

Today we talked about the measures Jesus took just to save us. We talked about how He would be willing to leave the 99 to find the one that was lost, to find to one that had strayed. We talked about how great His love is for us that He would do something like that. We focused on Luke 15:3-7.

"He loves us so much that instead of replacing us, which He can do if He wanted, He leaves the ninety-nine to find us. "

Day 275: More Than Exist

Today we discussed how we are to do more than just exist and "get by". We talked about how God wants to live our life and enjoy it, He gave us a life for a reason. We talked about how sometimes we are so focused on making life "worth living" and overlooking the fact that every moment is worth living. How we should not wait for life to be perfect before we start living. We focused on Ecclesiastes 18:5, 3:11-13, and11:9.

"What I’m saying is, life is beautiful, enjoy it, be happy. Don’t get stuck in going through the motions. There’s more than just getting by. Why only stay afloat when we can swim."

Day 276: Good to Everyone

Today we talked about being good to everyone. We talked about how we are not to live our lives seeking revenge on the one's that have hurt us or done us wrong, but we are to love and be kind. With everything going on in the world we can use some kindness. We focused on 1 Thessalonians 5:15.

" Treat others how you want to be treated not how they treat you, There is something so freeing and beautiful about not seeking revenge but loving people through the pain and doing good in evil situations."

Day 277: Less Talk More Prayer

Today we talked about how easy it is to gossip but more beneficial to pray. We talked about how prayer can change things while gossiping lips do nothing but spread things. One works and the other doesn't. We were challenged to pray for people, and not talk about them, and actually pray when we're saying we're going to. We focused on Psalms 34:13, 1 Thessalonians, 5:25, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, and Galatians 6:1. 

"It’s easy to gossip and talk about people but how much better would it be if we talked to God about them, If we prayed for them. We can easily go to a friend and talk about how bad someone is doing and have it change nothing but what about when we talk to God about it."

Day 278: Patience With Everyone

Today we talked about patience with other people. We talked about how one of the fruits of the spirit is patience and that it is one of the many ways in which we are called to love our neighbors. We focused on 1 Thessalonians 5:14.

"If we took the time to encourage and take care of one another, being patient would not be an issue. But the problem with that is taking time for someone else is taking time away from self. When we think about it,  impatience is a pretty selfish trait."

Day 279: Hold On to What is Good

Today we talked about how we are to hold on to what is good. We talked about how there are certain thing sin our lives that stick with us forever. We talked about taking hold of the good things and doing away with all the bad and evil things that life has to offer. We focused on 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22

"Even if we do hold on to things that are bad for us, or the things people have done to us to hurt us, we eventually come to the realization that it is not good for us. So  we let those things go. However the things that are good tend to stick with us forever, and that’s the beautiful thing about life. We are so often under the impression that we as humans remember the bad things over the good, however that is not always true. No matter how angry we are at someone, and we may not want to admit it, there is so much good we see in them."

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to go back over you favorite subject for the week, share it with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 181!

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