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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Day 294: Recap!

Day 288: Living Well Series (Part 3):Our Living is a Result of Our Loving

Today we continued with our "Living Well" series and we talked about how loving God and loving people is basically a way of living. We  proposed the question how are we loving, are we loving the way God wants us to love. We talked about how love changes the way we live. We focused on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Matthew 22:37-40, Ephesians 5:2, 2 John 15-6, John 12:34-35.

"When we come into the knowledge and understanding of God’s unconditional love towards us, it changes our lives, and ultimately changes how we live."

Day 289: Living Well Series (Part 4): Life is So Beautiful

Today we closed out our "Living Well" series. We talked about how beautiful life is, how beautiful life can be when we see it through the lens of God's eyes. We talked about how God raises us like a parent raises a child from birth to adulthood. We went into what it means for us to be born again, when we accept Christ into our lives. We focused on 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 John 2:6, and Ephesians 5:1-2.

"As Christ begins to change our hearts, He begins to weed out the things that do not need to be there. Being born again is a process of purification, elimination, healing, it’s like a detox. He’s taking things from us that we don’t need and giving and equipping us with everything we will ever need."

Day 290: It's Possible!

Today we talked about how often times we look at living a sinless life as impossible. But all we have to do is submit ourselves to Christ and take the example He gave us and live how He lived. We talked about how Jesus gets it, He was born a human just like us and tempted just like us, yet He lived a life completely free of sin. We focused on Hebrews 4:15.

"God gives us strength in those moments of weakness to escape, He always gives us a way out. There is always another choice, another door to go through, we do not have to fall every time. God is standing right there with us in those moments but He will not make the decision for us. Sometimes we have chosen to be weak because it is easier."

Day 291: Waiting for "The One"

Today we talked about relationships and waiting for that special someone God has for us, we talked about how God has someone special for all of us and even though we have to wait, when the time is right it will all be worth it. We talked about how there is someone out there for all of us, and that God is the perfect matchmaker. I can't say too much or I'll give it away, you gotta read it. We focused on Matthew 6:33, Genesis 2:18, Jeremiah 29:11, and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

" Sometimes we settle for people that do not fit us, We settle for people not just because we’re lonely but because they have what we think we want. They have the whole package according to our standards. But what about God’s standards? What about His plan? We must get to a point where we are not willing to sacrifice our faith for pleasure."

Day 292: This Beautiful Image

Today we literally broke down Psalms 23 verse by verse. We talked about this beautiful image David paints in this passage with His words or poetry. But more important than that we talked about the beautiful image God is painting through the message of His word. We obviously focused on Psalms 23.

"God is beautiful. He paints these beautiful images with His word, but going beyond that, God is just so beautiful. I mean He did create beauty. Everything He touches is beautiful, all things from God are beauty."

Day 293: But Wait...There's More!

Today we talked about how God does more than we could ever ask for expect. We basically talked about how God is always outdoing us, and showing us up in the best way possible. We discussed how God goes a step further than what we'd expect and continues to pour His love and blessing out on us.
We focused on Malachi 3:10 and Ephesians 3:20.

"God will go above and beyond for us, because He loves us that much. Sometimes we are waiting for God to move in our lives, waiting on promises, and when they do come to pass God makes the wait so worth."

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 295!

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