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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Day 287: Recap! 

Day 281: God's Grace and Forgiveness

Today we talked about God's grace and not taking it for granted. We talked about how we often used God's grace as a freedom to sin because we know He will forgive us and continue to love us no matter what. We focused on Ephesians 1:7, Daniel 9:9, Hebrews 10:17, Acts 3:19, and 1 John 1:19.

"God is loving and graceful, and will love us forever no matter what we don. However, let’s value our relationship with Him enough so that we will want to live our lives with Him, and devote our hearts to Him. Not take it back whenever we decide that we want to sin and give it back when we want our conscious cleared."

Day 282: This Temporary World

Today we talked about how fleeting this world can be and how we must not put our trust in the tangible things, but rather put our trust and faith in God. We talked about how at the end of the day when all else is gone, if we do not have God we have nothing. We can have everything we ever wanted or dreamed of, but if we don't have Christ we have nothing because He is our everything. we focused on 1 Timothy 6:6-8, 17-19, and Mark 8:35-37.

"We cannot walk through life very long trying to fulfill ourselves off of worldly possession and tangible things. Now I’m not saying that we are to walk around denying ourselves the joys of the world. What I’m saying is, do not be defined or identified by the joys of this world but let your identity be in Christ."

Day 283: Faithful God

Today we talked about God's faithfulness, how even when we are unfaithful to Him, He remains faithful to us. We talked about how committed God is to His people. We also talked about how God will not send us someone who is unfaithful. We focused on 2 Timothy 2:13.

"When we have our moments of being unfaithful, He doesn’t stop being faithful us, instead His love for us remains the same, because that is who He is. God loves us so much that instead of walking away from us, He forgives us, and works through it with us."

Day 284: When Everyone Else Leaves

Today we talked about how God is always there for us and that He will never desert us. We talked about how sometimes people walk out of our lives, and sometimes we feel like we are going through it alone, or fighting battles on our own. But God is always there, even when we don't think He is and when everyone else leaves, He's always there. We focused on 2 Timothy 4:16-18.

"God loves us way too much to leave us. He will never leave us to live life on our own or fight by ourselves. Every second of every hour of every day He is right there with us. God never leaves us or walks away from us, we walk away from Him, and even then He is still protecting us and giving us life."

Day 285: Living Well (Series)

Today we started our "Living Well" series, where we will explore what it really means to live well. Today we talked about what that means and how in order to live well we must live like Christ, love like Him and walk like Him. Living well means having a relationship with God and a solid foundation in Him. We focused on James 3:13-18.

"We cannot live well, or have a good life outside of Christ."

Day 286: Living Well Series (Part 2)- Winning At Life

Today we talked about winning at life and how exactly we do that. We posed the question, "Are we really winning at life if we are not living with Christ?" We talked about the many definitions the world has for winning but Christ has already given us the tools we need to truly win. We focused on 1 John 5:12.

"As long as we have Christ we are winning, if we define winning at life by how successful we are, we will never truly be winning."

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for more of the "Living Well" series!

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