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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Day 276: Good to Everyone!

1 Thessalonians 5:15
See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people.
Paul is urging us to do good to people, not just certain people, but all people. Sometimes we pick and choose who deserves our kindness and who doesn’t. But Jesus was good to all, and if we are living our lives like Him then we must do the same.
He starts this scripture by saying pay no one back evil for evil. Meaning no playing tit for tat. Do not be out here seeking to get revenge on the people that have done you wrong or hurt you. One it’s not what Jesus would do and second, it’s not as satisfying as one would think. I know many of us knows what it’s like to want to get back at someone, to make them feel how they made you feel. Or even if we don’t get them back ourselves, we want someone to do it. Sometimes we even find ourselves praying for that revenge, like asking God to get the people that got us. I know it sucks when people hurt us, or when they do us wrong in whatever way possible, but honestly the best “revenge” you can get on someone is to love them. Kill them with kindness, do good to them. They’ll never see it coming. See people expect revenge, we sometimes expect people to get back at us for the things we’ve done, it would make us feel a whole lot better, but what makes us feel even better is grace. When people decide to love us, and do good to us instead. So when we decide to forgive and treat people well it helps them too. I know we’ve been told forgiveness is about us not the other person, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes people cannot move on until they know they are forgiven. So be good to even the people that have hurt you repay evil with good. That’s what Jesus did and by doing so He saved the entire world.  
Always try to do good to each other, and to all people. Now we must love our neighbors, love everyone. Try our best to be good to everyone so that we will not hurt someone or offend them. When Paul said everyone, he meant everyone! The people we disagree with, the ones we don’t vibe with, the ones who are pretty much jerks all the time, the ones who seem lower than us (if you view yourself as above anyone we need to have a talk). Do good to all people not just the ones you like or get along with. I mean with all the evil and craziness going on in the world we can use a little good and love.
All this to say, honor people. Treat others how you want to be treated not how they treat you, There is something so freeing and beautiful about not seeking revenge but loving people through the pain and doing good in evil situations.
  1. Have you ever been hurt by someone and wanted to get revenge on them?
  2. If you did, did it really satisfy you or stop the pain?
  3. HAve you ever prayed for karma to hit someone?
  4. What has been the outcome when you decide to love through the pain and do good in an evil or bad situation?
Prayer Time
Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer today. HAve a conversation with God about forgiveness and revenge, and pray for the state of our world!

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 277!

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