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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Day 333: Walking Away Isn't Easy

1 John 2:19

These people left our churches, but they never really belonged with us; otherwise they would have stayed with us. When they left, it proved that they did not belong with us.

Something that baffles me about people is how easy it is for them to walk away from something or someone they love. Even if it is for the greater good, walking away from something or someone that you are invested in is never easy. This can range from break-ups to walking away from the job that you have had for a very long time. What I’m saying is that walking away is never easy at least eighty percent of the time.

Something else that baffles me is how easy it is for us to walk away from God. I’m not sure if any of you have ever decided to walk away from God for whatever reason it may be, but I have. I remember walking away from God multiple times because the world seemed to offer me more. The world was a bit more enticing than serving God, so I walked away. Knowing that it was wrong, I did not care, I did it anyway. How did I get to that point? How was it so easy for me to walk away from a God that saved me and forgave me and accepted me even when I sinned against Him countless times? How could I walk away from the God that I had claimed to love so much and had surrendered my life to? The only way that walking away could be that easy is if I was never really as invested in the first place. If I wasn’t as committed to God as I thought. I was not committed to God, not really. My life was not surrendered to Him because my desires for the world was still lingering around and could take me whenever they wanted. The moment I walked away from god as if I was just walking away from a vending machine after I got what I needed confirmed that I never really gave my heart to Him in the first place.

When we are truly invested in God we know what is at stake if we decide to walk away from Him. When our hearts are invested in Him, truly invested in Him nothing can tear us away. Some things might try, temptation might come but it will not be able to tear us away from God. mainly because we know what it is like to live with Him, we know the joy and the peace that comes with serving God. The world may look enticing and it may be tempting, but with that looks are deceiving. There is nothing the world has to offer that God cannot freely give and freely give more. When we come to the understanding of who God is and everything He has done for us in our lives we will want to stay near Him for all eternity. Walking away is not an option because we come to the conclusion that walking away from God means walking away from life and that is not something we are willing to give up.

A life with Christ is so much more than just going to church on Sundays and attending a bible study every now and then. That is where many of us go wrong, we base our relationship with Christ on the number of church services we attend, because we think it’s good enough to get by. Going to church alone will not cut it. The reason we find it so easy to walk away from God is because we are not walking away from much. We are walking away from church we are not walking away from a relationship. Our salvation and growth is in having a relationship with God. the more we draw closer to Him the more we will find ourselves wanting to stay with Him.

All this to say, if we do not have a solid relationship with God we will be pushed and pulled in every direction. If we walked away from God we need to reevaluate whether or not we were really committed to Him in the first place.


  1. Have you ever walked away from God?
  2. Are you committed to having a relationship with Him?
  3. Why is it so easy to walk away from the things and people we say we love?

Prayer Time

Allow your answers to the above questions guide your prayer. Have a conversation with god about what we discussed today. Take the time to talk to God and pour your heart out to Him.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 334!

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