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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Day 304: When It's Out of Our Control

James 5:7
Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen.

I love the analogy of a farmer waiting for the harvest, or the rains to come so the plants can grow. I know this scripture is about patience but what I get from this is that the farmer is not worrying or stressed about when the harvest will come. One because they know that it will come in due season, but also it is something that is out of their control. That’s what I want to discuss today, we as humans sometimes worry about things that we cannot control and we stress ourselves out for no reason.  We get to the point of worry or stress where we can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t focus, can’t do anything. That is not healthy, worry does nothing but make the situation worse. I can tell you that worrying is never the answers, worrying has never fixed a problem.

How many times have you been worried in the past month about things that are out of your control? What about the last week? One thing that God has taught me is to always trust Him, His timing, and His plan. I used to worry about everything, the smallest things to the biggest things until I realized that there is no reason for me to worry because God already has it figured out and also why worry when there is nothing I can do about it. Let’s not stress ourselves out and go into early menopause or mid-life crisis because we spent all of our time worried about things that we can literally do nothing to change. All we can do is wait on God, like the farmer patiently waits on the harvest. When we spend less time worried about things we spend more time focusing on God. When our focus is on God we don’t have time to be stressing about what He’s already taken care of. When was the last time worry helped you through something? It never really helps all it does is give us unnecessary anxiety.

Recently I had an audition for a showcase that will be happening in Los Angeles. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s when actors get the chance to perform for multiple agencies, manager, casting directors, etc. As someone who is from Los Angeles and is planning on moving back after college this was a big deal for me. A huge deal! So I prepared for my audition, more than I’ve ever prepared in my life for an audition. I prayed, had everyone else praying and I went in there and did it. In my opinion, it was the best audition I had ever done. I walked out of there confident. We wouldn’t know if we were in the showcase for another week, so that week was a struggle. I had to continue to pray, not that I would get into the showcase but that I would not worry or stress myself out waiting for the results. I came to the conclusion that whatever happens it would part of God’s plan and two I had no control over what happened next, all I could do was have faith in God. A week later I got into the showcase!

All this to say, sometimes we are so worried about the things going on in our lives, the results we are waiting on, or the things we are praying for that we forget to have faith in God. Don’t let your worry get in the way of you focusing on God. He’s got in all under control even when it looks like everything is going crazy, God’s got it under control.

  1. Do you ever find yourself worrying about things that are out of your control?
  2. How has worrying helped?
  3. How has choosing to have faith in God and His planned helped?
Prayer Time
Allow your answers to the above questions guide your pray, if you have a tendency to worry and be anxious ask God to free you from that.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for day 305!

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