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I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Day 312: What Controls You?

2 Peter 2:19

They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of sin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you.

Control- to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate, command

How many times have we wanted something so bad that that very thing started to control our lives? When we need something or want something and it’s all we can think about, it’s our motive for living? What is directing you or commanding your attention. What is something in your life that seems to have a hold on you, that one thing that controls your life? Is it God or is it something else. In other words, what are we living for? That’s a huge question because it will determine how we are living, and how we treat others. Sometimes we are controlled by so many other things than God and it will take us down every path but the right one, it will lead us everywhere but where we are supposed to be.

I have seen this generation be controlled by money, status, luxury, the need to be liked, fame, acceptance, we are in constant search of purpose yet we are looking in all the wrong places. We as humans are often controlled by our desires. We are controlled by what we want and that’s where we go wrong, because some of us will stop at nothing to get what we want even if God Himself is telling us to stop. That’s why we must get to a point where we want God more than we want anything else. Where our desire for God is stronger than anything. That is when we will start to allow God to be in control and that is when things will begin to fall in place. It is only when we give our lives to Christ and surrender our desires to God that we will be moving in the right direction. There’s nothing like being attached to our worldly desires, that will get us caught up.

How many times have you felt like you couldn’t stop something, especially because the sensation of it was too good. Sin can have a strong hold on us, because for so long it’s all we know and it feels good. Or at least it feels good for the moment. See sin is a quick, temporary, pleasurable fix, it’s like a drug, that’s why we’ve found ourselves going back for more. Even when we knew what was right. This make look different for everyone but those desires to sin are hard to shake, and can have control over us like nothing else. That’s why we see the Israelites turn away from God so many time, because in the moment the pleasure of sin feels feels so much better than the desire to do what is right. We are controlled by our desires and that leads us to be controlled by sin. This is not to say that every desire is a sin, sometimes we are controlled by our need to succeed or be perfect or be a good person. It’s how we go about obtaining the things that we desire. Do we take them to God or do we allow them to take over our life and take our eyes off the Lord. Anything that takes our focus off of God is not good for us.

What gets you out of bed in the morning. What keeps you going day by day? Whatever your answer is to that question is the thing that controls you. I have heard many people, myself included, say that things other than God keep them moving. Some people say how their kids are the reason they get out of bed, their career, their needs to get money. While there is nothing wrong with being motivated by outside stimuli however, when all of that is gone can we still function? Can we still live and move, or do we need another outside stimulus to keep us going? See the thing about living for God is He is permanent, He’s going to always be there. God is not here to constantly feed our desires, yes He will give us the desires of our hearts but first He wants a relationship with us. He wants our hearts. He gives us what we have but also has the power to take away. God gives us a reason to get up in the morning, therefore He is the reason we open our eyes. He is the reason we have breath. No one but God did that. God gave us a purpose a reason to live, but too often we find ourselves trusting in the path and not God, we focus on the gift more than the giver.  Meaning we are more focused on where we are and how we are going to get there as opposed to trusting in God and His plan to guide us wherever He wants us to be.

All this to say, do not be controlled by desires for worldly thing rather allow our desires for Christ be the center of our lives. Allow Christ to be at the very core of who we are. Allow God to be in control and we will never be empty as the Holy Spirit will always dwell within us. God is constantly pouring into us, and He has everything under control we just have to surrender to Him.


  1. What are you controlled by?
  2. How have you let your desires controls you?
  3. Is you desire for Christ greater than you desire for anything or anyone else?

Prayer Time

Allow your answers to the above questions guide you prayer. Have a conversation with God about what we discussed today. Let God lead you and take you as far as He wants you to go, just be with Him.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening! Be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 313!

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