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Year Reflection

I just want you to take the time and reflect on what this year has been like for you. Think about the person you were at the beginning ...

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Day 254: Recap

I know today's post is very late than what I usually do, and that's not entirely on accident. However I wanted today's recap to be different. I know a lot has been going on in the world recently and in America to be specific. However, there is so much go on all over the world that what we need to do as the body of Christ is,  pray but also put those prayers and concerns to action. Find out ways to help even if it isn't through monetary donations. There is so much more we can do than send money, we can donate our time, open our homes, hold clothing drives, get prayer groups together, rescue groups, start putting our plans to action.

I would like to point out a few issues and natural disasters that have.
The Floods in Houston Texas, Sierra Leone, and South Asia
Hurricane Harvey (which caused the flood of Houston), Hurricane Irma which hit the Florida keys, and hit south Florida today. Puerto Rico has been hit pretty bad.
An 8.1 earthquake that hit Mexico
Fires in the West Coast.

Also a recent decision made by our President to repeal DACA. This will ruin the lives of many young immigrants who either came here as a child or were brought here as a child to have a better life. People are being sent back to a country they never considered their home. People are being pushed out of there homes because they aren't the right nationality, or they weren't born in the right place. They are going to lose everything.

There is so much going on, I cannot stand by and not address. For those of you that are directly affected by these disasters, no words can relieve what you're going through. But you are in my prayers and so many others around the world. You are not in this alone.

Today I just want you all to take the time and pray, pray for our country and pray for this world. There is so much disaster, heartache, inequality, and pride. Just pray over your country and this nation. Take the time to do something about what is going on, volunteer, donate, open your home to someone in need, etc. Help those who are in need and continuously pray for those affected by the recent disasters and decisions made in the world.

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or evening, be sure to share this with someone and come back tomorrow for Day 255!

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